CALL MEETING TO ORDER: The October 4, 2019, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.

ROLL CALL: Becky Fancher, President – Present, Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present, Mike Russell, Member – Present                   

PLEDGE/PRAYER: Council President Becky Fancher led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer from Jimmy.

MINUTES: Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the September minutes, there being none, the minutes were approved as written. 

PUBLIC HEARING – 2020 BUDGET ADOPTION – The proposed budget for 2020 was presented to Council for adoption.  After brief comments, Jimmy made a motion to adopt; Mike seconded.  Motion passed unanimously. 

OLD ITEMS: Old Fashion Days – Linda Miller was in attendance to hand out t-shirts and also thanked everyone for their assistance.  The Festival went well despite the rain.  Becky mentioned that she had heard some members of the Committee had treated some of the town employees disrespectfully and that this would not be tolerated going forward.  Bill Compton, President of Old Fashion Days, let Becky know that this situation had been addressed and taken care of.

NEW ITEMS: Kevin Hill – Town Insurance Quote – Kevin is with NFP Insurance and briefly went over his proposal for the Town’s insurance which is up for renewal in November.  A decision will be made at the November Board Meeting.

Ordinance 2019-3 – Amended Schedule of Rates & Charges for Water – In order to qualify for the State Revolving Fund Loan needed to complete our Water project, we must increase our rates on water at least 25% this first round.  Becky made the motion to pass as written on first read; Mike seconded.  We will set a Public Hearing for November 7, 2019 at 6:00 pm to be held in the Community Building for all residents to address any concerns.

Ordinance 2019-4 – Clarifying Schedule of Rates and Charges for Waste Water – Becky made a motion to pass as written on first read; Mike seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.  Beth will advertise next week.

Ordinance 2019-5 – Adjusting Waste Water Disposal Fee – Effective with the January 2020 billing, this fee will increase to $7.50 per customer.

October Board Meeting Minutes – page 2

North Salem Police Department – Quote for new rifle, et al – Ron submitted quotes from Nelson and Co. in Greencastle for a new rifle and scope along with a quote on a body armour vest.  Council unanimously approved both.  Ron will purchase next week.

REPORTS:  Mark –  Mark reported on the meeting held with RQAW and that it was decided to move the new filter plant and water tower to the far east end of our property (machinery field).  Kevin also reported that he would be staying part time for 2020 and Mark will stay on full time through 2020.

NSPD – Marshal Berry’s report for September was presented for the record; John is on vacation so did not attend the meeting.  Becky introduced Ron Kneeland as the new Town Marshal starting on October 7th.   

Council Members – Becky let Council know that she (along with Beth and Tammy) would like to enter a decorated tree in the contest being held by the North Salem Revitalization Committee.  Inserts will be included in the water bills in October and November for this contest.

Harold Blake – stated that Beth would need to officially swear in Ron on October 7th and that the minutes next month should reflect this. 

Beth – Trick or Treating will take place October 31st from 6-8; Ron will order glow sticks or bracelets to hand out.  RQAW’s contract was presented – Mike made a motion to approve; Becky seconded.  A copy was given to Eric Wathen.  Beth also asked to transfer $8,000 from the Trash Fund to the Waste Water Fund to cover yet  additional expenses for pump and pump repair; Council approved unanimously.  Beth also reminded Council about the Round Table in Covington next Wednesday.

PUBLIC: Eric Wathen let everyone know that the County Tax increase took effect October 1st.  Beth stated that she has received no notice regarding this.  Eric will check on this and let us know. 

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:48 pm.  The next Council Meeting will be November 7th directly following the Public Hearing in the Community Building.

Attest: Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer