Located about 25 miles West of Indianapolis in the northwest corner of Hendricks County at the intersection of State Roads 236 and 75, just 9 miles North West of Danville.

Founded December 10, 1835

Population (2010 Census): 518

Host of the “Old Fashion Days” Festival over Labor Day weekend for the last 36 years. We have the largest parade in Hendricks county. http://www.northsalemoldfashiondays.com



CALL MEETING TO ORDER:  The April 1, 2021 Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.   Becky led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer from Jimmy Roberts.

ROLL CALL:  Becky Fancher, President – Present, Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present, Bill Compton, Member  – Present

MINUTES:  Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the March minutes.  There being none, the minutes were approved as written.

OLD ITEMS:  Filter Plant/Water Tower Project – Mark reported that parts of the tower have been delivered. Once it is assembled we will need to hire an inspector to climb up and inspect it.  Becky mentioned that she would like to take a tour of the facility next week now that the plant itself is complete.

NEW ITEMS:  a) Ordinance 2021-1 – Renters, Landlords & Deposits.  This is an Ordinance to move utilities back into the renters name as well as increase the water and waste water deposits required of both renters and home owners.  Jimmy made a motion to pass as written; Becky seconded.  Second read will be next month.  b) Ordinance 2021-2 – Prohibiting Private Wells. This is an Ordinance that prohibits private wells used for potable water within the town limits.  After much discussion, it was decided that it was in the best interest of the Town and the Residents of the Town that this Ordinance be passed tonight.  Therefore, Bill made a motion to pass on first read; Jimmy seconded; motion passed unanimously.  Rules were suspended and Bill made a motion to pass on second read; Jimmy seconded; motion passed unanimously.  Finally, Bill made a motion to pass on third and final read; Jimmy seconded; motion passed unanimously.  Beth will advertise next week as required. c) Ordinance 2021-3 – Chickens. This Ordinance upon passage will allow property owners within the town limits to have chickens.  Becky made a motion to pass as written; Bill seconded; motion passed unanimously.  Second read will be next month.

REPORTS: a) Mark let the Council know that the owner of the house in town that had the huge leak in February is wanting us to take payments from her renter.  After much discussion, it was decided that since she has a new renter now and we are unable to create a second account for the property, the property owner should pay the outstanding amount and take payments from her renter.   Kevin let the Council know that clean up after the tornado was moving along; they had lots of volunteers.  It was decided that gift cards would be given to the guys and their helpers.  b) NSPD – Marshal Kneeland was on vacation and not present.  c) Council Members – Bill asked Mark when he planned to move the 25 MPH sign on Ladoga.  Mark said they’d look at it next week.  Also, Bill asked about the property behind Dan Koopman’s property and if the Town owned it.  Mark told him the Town did not own that property.  Becky mentioned that we needed to be thinking about which sidewalks to repair/replace this spring and summer.  Also, she has concerns about a resident parking their vehicle on a sidewalk and close to a fire hydrant on McKinley Street.  If they park on the street, it makes for a tight turn onto the street.  After much discussion, it was decided that we could install NO PARKING SIGNS on each street that say NO PARKING FROM HERE TO CORNER.  d) Harold Blake – Let Council know that he and Beth would be gathering information on the American Rescue Plan and the monies that would be coming to the Town of North Salem. Information is beginning to come in from AIM as far as directives and such. We will need an Ordinance to allocate the monies.  We need to be thinking about our biggest NEEDS for this money.  Kevin mentioned that our clarifiers at the WWTP need updated.  e) Beth – None


ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:09 pm.  The next Council Meeting will be May 6th at 6:00 pm.

Attest:  Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer



CALL MEETING TO ORDER:  The March 4, 2021 Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.   Becky led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer from Marshal Kneeland.

ROLL CALL:  Becky Fancher, President – Present, Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present, Bill Compton, Member  – Present

MINUTES:  Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the February minutes.  There being none, the minutes were approved as written.

OLD ITEMS:  Filter Plant/Water Tower Project – Mark mentioned that they may be adding a plug in or hardwire for a generator if we ever purchase or rent one. Also, Phoenix will be coming in the next few weeks, but it needs to dry out a lot because it is muddy and very wet.  Mark also said that we will need to add at least two tri axles of stone to the drive.  In addition, Mark said that we had to repair a tile that was bad close to the project and he also shut off three lines by the Dollar General that he had no idea what they were.


REPORTS:  NSPD – Marshal Kneeland let Council know that he thinks the new radar sign is helping with speeding into town.  He has met with the staff of the Dollar General and obtained contact numbers.  He is also working on the radar signs;  Council Members – Jimmy mentioned the lights out downtown.  We now have four or five.  Mark was waiting on LED bulbs, but will go ahead and purchase light bulbs and put them in for now.  Jimmy also asked Ron to speak to his neighbors on Nebraska about speeding.  There was also discussion about adding a 25 MPH speed limit sign on Ladoga Avenue at the edge of the woods by the Baptist church as you are coming into town;  Harold Blake – Mentioned that the State is supposed to be getting a lot of money from the Government and to keep an eye out for emails that might mention that some of this money could be going to cities and towns;  Beth – Asked Harold and the Board if we could go back to collecting deposits from renters.  Harold said to put our thoughts in writing and he will do some research.

PUBLIC  Jay Thompson, Communications Advisory Board Member with the County, was in attendance.  He stated that they are thinking of encrypting radio transmissions.  He is against this and told them so.  They will be meeting in an Executive Session to discuss.  He will keep us posted;  Kristi Vaughn was in attendance on behalf of the North Salem Revitalization Committee.  They will be having a
“Color Fun Run” in conjunction with the Strawberry Festival Fathers’ Day Weekend.  Map My Run takes care of everything and absorbs all of the liability.  We will put flyers in the water bills in May.

ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:44 pm.  The next Council Meeting will be April 1st at 6:00 pm.

Attest: Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer

FEBRUARY 2021 Town Council Meeting Minutes


CALL MEETING TO ORDER:  The February 4, 2021 Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.   Becky led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer from Marshal Kneeland.

ROLL CALL:  Becky Fancher, President – Present, Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Absent, Bill Compton, Member  – Present.

MINUTES: Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the January minutes.  There being none, the minutes were approved as written.



REPORTS:   a) Mark – let Council know that the water project was moving along; electricity was going in; we are waiting on the big overhead door to come in; Kevin reiterated what Mark spoke about.  Not much that can be done at this time because of the weather.  They are still waiting on the steel for the tower.  They also mentioned that because of the cold weather predicted for this weekend, they will open a hydrant on Center Street and have the water run into the creek behind Kevin’s house.  This will prevent the tower from freezing.  b) NSPD – Marshal Kneeland let Council know that he has met with the staff of the Dollar General and obtained contact numbers. He is also working on the radar signs.  c) Council Members –  None  d) Harold Blake – None.  Beth –  None.


ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:13 pm.  The next Council Meeting will be March 4th at 6:00 pm.

Attest:  Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer





CALL MEETING TO ORDER:  The January 7, 2021 Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.   Becky led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer from Jimmy Roberts.

ROLL CALL:  Becky Fancher, President – Present, Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present, Bill Compton, Member.

Becky took a moment to congratulate and welcome new Board Member Bill Compton, and also congratulated Jimmy on his re-election.

MINUTES:  Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the December minutes.  There being none, the minutes were approved as written.



REPORTS: a) Mark – let Council know that he and Kevin met with and IDEM State Inspector this week.  Because our water loss ratio is too high, we are non-compliant.  He would like Mark to monitor water usage for January, February and March of this year and compare to those months in 2020 and go from there.  He also let Council know that they met with Duke Energy regarding the electricity for the new plant.  The building is almost done; filter should be here in 2-3 weeks.  We are now waiting on steel for the tower.  We will need to send out notices and post on social media now in order to prepare customers for the switch over once the tower is up.  He also let Council know that we purchased a utility vehicle which is a nice addition Street Department.  b) NSPD – Marshal Kneeland let Council know that the radar signs are in; he is now waiting on permits from the State. Marshal Kneeland stated that his brother will help him put them up and set up the software.  c) Council Members – Jimmy wanted to ask if we could contact Rays and let them know that the recycle bins are sometimes placed too close together and cannot be utilized correctly.  Beth will contact Rays.  He also asked Mark about the street lights that are out downtown.  Mark told him that we are in the process of replacing those bulbs.  d) Becky let Council know that they need to schedule a workshop to discuss the Marshal’s contract.  Becky will be available after next Monday; Beth will coordinate schedules.  d) Harold Blake – None.  e) Beth – Presented Council with the annual Nepotism forms for their completion.


ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:38 pm.  The next Council Meeting will be February 4th at 6:00 pm.

Attest:  Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer


December 2020 Board Meeting Minutes


CALL MEETING TO ORDER:  The December 3, 2020 Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.   Becky led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer from Jimmy Roberts.

ROLL CALL:  Becky Fancher, President – Present, Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present, Mike Russell, Member-Present

Becky took a moment to recognize Doug Clodfelter for his long standing service to the Town of North Salem as our Waste Water Operator.  The Board thanked Doug for his 31 years of service (so far!) and presented him with a gift from the Town.

MINUTES:  Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the November minutes.  There being none, the minutes were approved as written.


NEW ITEMS:  a) Resolution for 2021 Trash Rate – Ray’s Trash Service increased our monthly rate in September of this year and will raise it again effective January 1, 2021, this after not increasing our rates for the last 20 years.   After much discussion, it was decided to increase the monthly rate from $8.00 to $12.00.  It was suggested that the increase be lower, however, in order to afford a heavy trash pickup each year, this increase was necessary.  Mike Russell made a motion to accept; Becky seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.  The new rate will be effective beginning in January, 2021.  b) Resolution for Declaring Old Dixie Chopper as Salvage – Mark explained to the Council that the old Dixie Chopper was not repairable. He could trade it in as is for a working used cub cadet mower.  Mike Russell made a motion to accept; Jimmy seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.  c) 2021 Board Meeting Dates – Becky made a motion to accept; Jimmy seconded. Motion passed unanimously. d) 2021 Holiday Dates – Becky made a motion to accept; Jimmy seconded. Motion passed unanimously.  Beth will advertise both schedules in the Republican this month.

REPORTS:  a)Mark – let Council know that the water project is on hold at the moment as they are awaiting the steel package.  Progress is being made.  He also wanted to thank Mike Russell for his years of service on the Council as this is his last meeting.  Bill Compton will be sworn in as a new Council member in January.  b) NSPD – Becky thanked Marshal Kneeland for his monthly report. Ron also discussed radar speed limit signs that he would like to see placed at various locations around town. The quote received came in at just over $22,000.00 for five signs which include software, etc.  After much discussion, it was decided to purchase two this year and hopefully be able to purchase additional signs next year.  Harold suggested that Marshal Kneeland look into finding some grant money to offset the cost of these signs. c) Council Members – Jimmy wanted to thank the Garden Gate for decorating the flower pots for the holidays.  He also thanked Mike for his years of service on the Town Council.  Jimmy also wanted to again thank everyone for their well wishes and continued prayers for his daughter Jamieson.  Becky also thanked Mike for his service on the Town Council.  d) Harold Blake – Thanked Mike for his years of service and helping him “hold down” their end of the table for all those years. e) Beth – none.

PUBLIC  Bill Compton was in attendance on behalf of the Revitalization Committee.  He stated that they will not be having in person festivities for Christmas this year, but they are however sponsoring a coloring contest for ALL ages and also a decorating contest.  He asked if we could put a flyer up in the window at the Town Hall.  He also asked if the Council members would be willing to be judges for the decorating contest.

ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business, the last meeting of 2020 adjourned at 6:45 pm.  The next Council Meeting will be January 7th at 6:00 pm.

Attest:  Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer




CALL MEETING TO ORDER:  The November 5, 2020 Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.   Becky led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer from Jimmy Roberts.

ROLL CALL:  Becky Fancher, President – Present, Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present, Mike Russell, Member – Present

MINUTES:  Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the October minutes.  There being none, the minutes were approved as written.

PUBLIC HEARING – BZA MEETING – DOLLAR GENERAL SIGN VARIANCE:  William Baumgardner with Hutchison Signs was in attendance requesting a variance to install a pole sign for the Dollar General.  The sign will be a standard Dollar General signs as in all of their locations, however, this special variance is requested because Hendricks County does not issue permits for pole signs.  After much discussion, Mike Russell made a motion to grant the variance; Jimmy Roberts seconded.  Beth will send notification to Hendricks County Planning and Building.

OLD ITEMS:  Bond Closing – Beth let the Council know that we have officially closed our loan with the State Revolving Fund and the Bond Anticipation Note with North Salem State Bank has been paid in full. Beth also let Council know that the first loan payment to SRF was wired for the October payment and a check was mailed Wednesday for the November payment.

NEW ITEMS:  1)Rhonda Beck – Daughters of the American Revolution was in attendance to propose a project for veterans which entails putting photos of veterans on banners and hanging them throughout the town.  This project has been very successful in Danville, Plainfield and Avon.  The only expense to the town would be the brackets to hold the banners on the poles and of course Mark and Kevin putting them up and taking them down.  They would like to see the banners hanging from Memorial Day to Memorial Day.  Rhonda mentioned that she already has four families in North Salem who would like to purchase banners for their veteran family members.  After much discussion, Becky made a motion to approve; Mike seconded; motion passed unanimously.  Rhonda will be in touch with us soon to begin this project. 2)Town Christmas Party – Tammy has volunteered to hold the pitch in for Christmas at her house again this year. It will be immediately following the December meeting.

REPORTS: 1) Mark – let Council know that the water project is moving along nicely.   Also let Council know that a couple of street lights have been repaired.  Chuck Bucy let Mark know that there was a street light out on California Street as well.  2) NSPD – let Council know that he will be out next Wednesday after morning school duty because his sister is having a procedure done at IU hospital downtown.  3) Council Members – None.  4) Harold Blake – Thanked Mark for the tour of the new filter plant site; encouraged Board members to visit site often and track the progress.  5) Beth –None


ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.  The next Council Meeting will be December 3rd at 6:00 pm.

Attest:  Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer