Located about 25 miles West of Indianapolis in the northwest corner of Hendricks County at the intersection of State Roads 236 and 75, just 9 miles North West of Danville.

Founded December 10, 1835

Population (2010 Census): 518

Host of the “Old Fashion Days” Festival over Labor Day weekend for the last 36 years. We have the largest parade in Hendricks county. http://www.northsalemoldfashiondays.com

November 2019 Public Hearing


 CALL MEETING TO ORDER: The November 7, 2019 Public Hearing was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.

ROLL CALL: Becky Fancher, President – Present, Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Absent, Mike Russell, Member – Present                   

PLEDGE/PRAYER: Council President Becky Fancher led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer

 ORDINANCE 2019-3The purpose of this Public Hearing was to discuss Ordinance 2019-3 – Amending the schedule of rates and charges to be collected by the Town of North Salem from owners of property served by the North Salem Water Corporation.  Becky began by stating that the reason for the amendments to the rates is due to our water project (new filter plant and water tower) and that in addition to the $700,000 OCRA grant we were awarded,  we also need to borrow $800,000 from the State Revolving Fund Loan program to complete the project.  However, SRF will not consider loaning money to us unless we increase our rates at least 25%.   We have hired a Financial Advisor who is working with us and SRF. 

PUBLICBecky then opened up the meeting for discussion from the public.  After a very brief discussion, Becky moved for adjournment.    

 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further comment, the meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm. 

Attest: Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer

November 2019 Board Meeting Minutes


CALL MEETING TO ORDER: The November 7, 2019, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:16 pm.

ROLL CALL: Becky Fancher, President – Present, Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Absent, Mike Russell, Member – Present                   

MINUTES: Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the October minutes, there being none, the minutes were approved as written. 

OLD ITEMS: Ordinance 2019-3 – Amending Schedule of Rates and Charges – North Salem Water Corporation – 2nd Read – Becky made a motion to pass as written; Mike seconded.  Third and final read will take place at the December Board Meeting.

Ordinance 2019-5 – Adjusting Waste Water Disposal Fee – 2nd Read – Becky made a motion to pass as written; Mike seconded.  Third and final read will take place at the December Board Meeting.

 NEW ITEMS:Town Insurance Quote – Council was given copies of the two quotes we received.  One from Kevin Hill with NFP Insurance and one from our current carrier, Tokio Marine HCC (Agent is Dan Power).  After brief discussion, Mike made a motion to accept the quote from Tokio Marine HCC as the premium came in a little over $1,000 less than NFP.  Becky seconded.

REPORTS:  Mark –  Mark reported on the meeting held with RQAW and that now we are looking at a 50,000 gallon tank rather than a 75,000.  We will have another design meeting with RQAW next week.  He also reported that he is getting quotes on salt for winter. It was decided to move the new filter plant and water tower to the far east end of our property (machinery field).  Kevin also reported that he would be staying part time for 2020 and Mark will stay on full time through 2020.

NSPD – Marshal Kneeland reported that he had no issues on Halloween; he gave out about ½ of his glow sticks; weather was not great.    

Council Members – None

Harold Blake – let Council know that he will be attending a Municipal Lawyers conference at Barnes and Thornburg next week.

November 7, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes – Page 2

Beth – let Council know that Tammy has offered to host our Holiday Party at her house immediately following the December Board Meeting.  It will be a pitch in. 

PUBLIC:Bill Compton spoke on behalf of North Salem Revitalization Committee.  They would like to power wash and treat the picnic tables at the park and also refurbish the bathrooms at the park.  Everyone agreed that this was a wonderful project for the Town.  He also spoke about the upcoming festivities (tree decorating contest; ornament making for the kids, etc.)  taking place December 12, 13 and 14 in the Community Building.   Information is available at various locations around town including the Town Hall.  They are also still collecting plastic bottle caps in order to purchase one additional bench.

Beth also mentioned that the gals at the Garden Gate Gift and Flower Shop have graciously offered to decorate the flower pots for Christmas this year.

 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:58 pm.  The next Council Meeting will be December 5th at 6:00 pm.

Attest: Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer

October 2019 Council Meeting Minutes


CALL MEETING TO ORDER: The October 4, 2019, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.

ROLL CALL: Becky Fancher, President – Present, Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present, Mike Russell, Member – Present                   

PLEDGE/PRAYER: Council President Becky Fancher led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer from Jimmy.

MINUTES: Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the September minutes, there being none, the minutes were approved as written. 

PUBLIC HEARING – 2020 BUDGET ADOPTION – The proposed budget for 2020 was presented to Council for adoption.  After brief comments, Jimmy made a motion to adopt; Mike seconded.  Motion passed unanimously. 

OLD ITEMS: Old Fashion Days – Linda Miller was in attendance to hand out t-shirts and also thanked everyone for their assistance.  The Festival went well despite the rain.  Becky mentioned that she had heard some members of the Committee had treated some of the town employees disrespectfully and that this would not be tolerated going forward.  Bill Compton, President of Old Fashion Days, let Becky know that this situation had been addressed and taken care of.

NEW ITEMS: Kevin Hill – Town Insurance Quote – Kevin is with NFP Insurance and briefly went over his proposal for the Town’s insurance which is up for renewal in November.  A decision will be made at the November Board Meeting.

Ordinance 2019-3 – Amended Schedule of Rates & Charges for Water – In order to qualify for the State Revolving Fund Loan needed to complete our Water project, we must increase our rates on water at least 25% this first round.  Becky made the motion to pass as written on first read; Mike seconded.  We will set a Public Hearing for November 7, 2019 at 6:00 pm to be held in the Community Building for all residents to address any concerns.

Ordinance 2019-4 – Clarifying Schedule of Rates and Charges for Waste Water – Becky made a motion to pass as written on first read; Mike seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.  Beth will advertise next week.

Ordinance 2019-5 – Adjusting Waste Water Disposal Fee – Effective with the January 2020 billing, this fee will increase to $7.50 per customer.

October Board Meeting Minutes – page 2

North Salem Police Department – Quote for new rifle, et al – Ron submitted quotes from Nelson and Co. in Greencastle for a new rifle and scope along with a quote on a body armour vest.  Council unanimously approved both.  Ron will purchase next week.

REPORTS:  Mark –  Mark reported on the meeting held with RQAW and that it was decided to move the new filter plant and water tower to the far east end of our property (machinery field).  Kevin also reported that he would be staying part time for 2020 and Mark will stay on full time through 2020.

NSPD – Marshal Berry’s report for September was presented for the record; John is on vacation so did not attend the meeting.  Becky introduced Ron Kneeland as the new Town Marshal starting on October 7th.   

Council Members – Becky let Council know that she (along with Beth and Tammy) would like to enter a decorated tree in the contest being held by the North Salem Revitalization Committee.  Inserts will be included in the water bills in October and November for this contest.

Harold Blake – stated that Beth would need to officially swear in Ron on October 7th and that the minutes next month should reflect this. 

Beth – Trick or Treating will take place October 31st from 6-8; Ron will order glow sticks or bracelets to hand out.  RQAW’s contract was presented – Mike made a motion to approve; Becky seconded.  A copy was given to Eric Wathen.  Beth also asked to transfer $8,000 from the Trash Fund to the Waste Water Fund to cover yet  additional expenses for pump and pump repair; Council approved unanimously.  Beth also reminded Council about the Round Table in Covington next Wednesday.

PUBLIC: Eric Wathen let everyone know that the County Tax increase took effect October 1st.  Beth stated that she has received no notice regarding this.  Eric will check on this and let us know. 

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:48 pm.  The next Council Meeting will be November 7th directly following the Public Hearing in the Community Building.

Attest: Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer

September 2019 Council Meeting Minutes


CALL MEETING TO ORDER: The September 5, 2019, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.

ROLL CALL: Becky Fancher, President – Present; Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present; Mike Russell, Member – Present

PLEDGE/PRAYER: Council President Becky Fancher led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer.

MINUTES: Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the August minutes, there being none, the minutes were approved as written. 

PUBLIC HEARING – 2020 BUDGET – The proposed budget for 2020 was presented to Council.  After a very brief discussion, Jimmy made a motion to accept; Mike seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.  The budget will be adopted at next month’s meeting.

OLD ITEMS: Title VI/ADA Compliance – Mark and Kevin finished putting the self-evaluation plan together and we submitted to INDOT via email.  We received word today that it was accepted and we are now in full compliance with the State.

 NEW ITEMS:Old Fashion Days – no one from the committee was in attendance.

FSG Corp – Water Rate Report – Greg Guerrettaz was in attendance from FSG to go over their report.  Greg explained that in order for us to continue the process of obtaining an state revolving fund loan to complete our water filter and water tower project, we must increase our rates.  Our rates have not increased since 2009.  He told the Council that expenses of running a utility will NEVER decrease, but will ALWAYS increase.  He explained that an increase of at least 25% must be put into effect immediately.  After much discussion, the Council decided to set a workshop date for Sunday afternoon at 4:00 pm to discuss.

REPORTS:  Mark –  Absent    

NSPD – Marshal Berry’s report for August was presented for the record; John submitted his letter of resignation to the Council.  After some discussion, Becky accepted his resignation and also thanked him for his lifelong service to our Community.  He will stay on until January 1st or until we find a replacement.

Council Members – none

Harold Blake – let the Council know that he will be out of town for the next two weeks but he will be accessible by phone or email.

Beth – discussed the RQAW contract; Council and Harold will peruse and we will discuss next month.  Beth also let Council and Harold know that there is an AIM Roundtable scheduled for October 9th in Covington.  Beth will register Becky, Mike, Beth and Tammy.

PUBLIC:Former Attorney General Steve Carter was in attendance on behalf of Senator Mike Braun.  They wanted to reach out to us to let us know that if we ever have any questions or concerns, to feel free to contact them directly. 

 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm.  The next Council Meeting will be October 3 at 6:00 pm.

Attest: Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer

August 2019 Council Meeting Minutes


CALL MEETING TO ORDER: The August 1, 2019, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.

ROLL CALL: Becky Fancher, President – Present, Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present, Mike Russell, Member – Present

PLEDGE/PRAYER: Council President Becky Fancher led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer by Jimmy.

MINUTES: Because Mike Russell wasn’t in attendance during the July meeting, minutes could not be approved for June.  Therefore, Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the BZA minutes from June 6th; there being none, those minutes were approved as written.  Becky then asked if there were any additions or corrections to the June Board Meeting minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written.  Becky then asked if there were any additions or corrections to the July minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written.

OLD ITEMS: Title VI/ADA Compliance – Mark said that he and Kevin are working on this and should have done by September 1st.

 NEW ITEMS:2020 Salary Ordinance – After some discussion, Jimmy made a motion to pass as written; Becky seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.

REPORTS:  Mark –  the mulch has been spread at the playground and it is pretty much done.  They have some painting to do and will also be putting up cameras and a security light.  Mark mentioned that it would be nice to have a mini shelter house next to the playground equipment with a picnic table underneath it for shade for the parents.  He will also be getting new tires put on the white truck.    

NSPD – Marshal Berry’s report for July was presented for the record; John let Council know that the he is still experiencing computer issues.  He would also like a notice to be included in the water bills this month regarding the kids riding bicycles, scooters, and skateboards in town during Old Fashion Days.  He has received the permit to close State Road 236.  Also, there is a new “plan” in place for the 5K 10K walk run during the festival if the road is not opened back up by then.

August 1, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes – page 2

Council – None

Harold Blake – Harold mentioned to the Council that it might be time to update our sign hanging above the Town Hall.  It is looking pretty tattered.

Clerk-Treasurer – None

PUBLIC: John spoke on behalf of Steve Clark who is in charge of the Car Show during Old Fashion Days.  He would like to utilize North Nebraska Street instead of South Nebraska Street for the Car Show this year.  Steve will go door to door and speak with the residents on North Nebraska.  Council unanimously approved.

Jay Thompson, Communications Advisory Board, was in attendance to give an update on the Communications Center. 

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:26 pm.  The next Council Meeting will be September 5th at 6:00 pm.

Attest: Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer

July 2019 Council Meeting Minutes


CALL MEETING TO ORDER: The July 11, 2019, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.

ROLL CALL: Becky Fancher, President – Present, Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present, Mike Russell, Member – Absent                      

PLEDGE/PRAYER: Council President Becky Fancher led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer from Jimmy Roberts.

MINUTES: Because Mike Russell was not in attendance tonight, and Jimmy Roberts was not in attendance last month, all minutes were tabled until the August meeting.

OLD ITEMS: Title VI/ADA Compliance – Mark again said that he and Kevin should be able to put the evaluation plan together in the next few months.  He will reach out to Jonathan Blake (Town of Brownsburg) for assistance if he needs to.


REPORTS:  Mark –  Paving is complete they just need to paint the stop lines; new playground equipment is up and grading done – just needs the mulch which will be there next week.  He will be installing more cameras at the park and also put up signs that say “criminal mischief is punishable by up to $500 and 6 months in jail”.  We also need a security light and Mark will contact Duke.  He also let the Council know that IDEM will be contacting us soon regarding our arsenic testing for last quarter.    Mark also asked the Council if it would be okay to remove sewer charges temporarily for Chuck Bucy’s property on North California as he is redoing everything and not hooked into the sewer.  Council gave approval for this temporary disconnection.

NSPD – Marshal Berry’s report for June was presented for the record; John let Council know that he has been having computer issues again.  He also stated that he has been in contact with the Old Fashion Days Committee regarding some issues.

Council – Jimmy told Mark that when they paved, they covered up the drain by his house.  Mark will look into this.

Harold Blake – New legislation was discussed regarding property owners and renters.  No changes will be made at this time as Harold suggests we wait until the next round of legislation because he is sure it will change again.  He also let the Council know he will be attending the AIM conference in French Lick this year where legislative issues will be discussed.

Clerk-Treasurer – Audit is done; need to develop and update our capital assets ledger.

PUBLIC: Kristi Vaughn was in attendance on behalf of the Revitalization Committee and Farmers Market to clarify some issues that happened a few weeks ago; Strawberry Festival was a huge success despite the weather.   

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:57 pm.  The next Council Meeting will be August 1, 2019 at 6:00 pm.

Attest: Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer

June 2019 Council Meeting Minutes


CALL MEETING TO ORDER: The June 6, 2019, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.

ROLL CALL: Becky Fancher, President – Present, Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Absent, Mike Russell, Member – Present                   

PLEDGE/PRAYER: Council President Becky Fancher led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer.

MINUTES: Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the May minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written.

PUBLIC HEARING (#2): Council President Becky Fancher turned the meeting over to Mike Kleinpeter, Kleinpeter Consulting.  Mike explained that the purpose of this hearing was because the Town was applying for an OCRA grant in the amount of $700,000 and an SRF loan in the amount of $800,000 to build a new water filter plant and water tower.  He then asked for comments and/or concerns from the many residents in attendance.  He stated that these comments and concerns would be included in our application.  After much discussion, Mike Russell made a motion to accept the resolution “authorizing application and submission and local match commitment” for our application; Becky seconded.   Becky then thanked everyone for attending and the public hearing was adjourned at 6:25 pm.

BZA HEARING See separate minutes for this hearing

OLD ITEMS: Title VI/ADA Compliance – Mark said that he and Kevin should be able to put the evaluation plan together in the next few months.  Beth has asked for an extension until September 1st.

North Salem Rep – Ron Kneeland has agreed to be our Representative on the Hendricks County Area Plan Commission and Hendricks County Zoning Board.  Beth will notify the Building and Planning Department.

FSG Corp. – Proposed Agreement – Beth gave the Council the proposed agreement from FSG Corp. for the Water Rate Study and Bond Issue.  After some discussion, Mike Russell made a motion to accept; Becky seconded.  Beth will notify FSG tomorrow.

June 6, 2019  Meeting Minutes – page 2


REPORTS:  Mark –  let Council know that because of the rain, Wabash Valley has not been able to start paving.  They hope to begin soon!   He also said they would be changing the filter media next week.    

NSPD – Marshal Berry’s report for May was presented for the record; John let Council know that the radar in the truck was re-certified earlier this week and that the truck would be going into the shop for new decals next Monday.  He also let Council know that his rifle is in the shop for repairs.

Council – None

Harold Blake – None

Clerk-Treasurer – Beth asked Becky if she would be available in early July to work on the 2020 budget; will set a date soon

PUBLIC: Bill Compton reminded everyone about the Strawberry Festival taking place Father’s Day Weekend at the Park. 

 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm.  The next Council Meeting will be July 11th at 6:00 pm.

Attest: Beth Russell Clerk-Treasurer

May 2019 Council Meeting Minutes


1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: The May 2, 2019, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.


Becky Fancher, President – Present

Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present

Mike Russell, Member – Present

3. PLEDGE/PRAYER: Council President Becky Fancher led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer.

4. MINUTES: Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the April minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written

5. OLD ITEMS: a. Title VI/ADA Compliance – Beth will begin working on the Self-Evaluation. We committed to addressing the deficiency and have the self-evaluation portion implemented by July 1, 2019. b. Filter Plant/Water Tower Update – Eric Wathen was in attendance to and let us know that we did qualify with 25 bonus points on our SRF loan application which Mike Kleinpeter will be submitting May 3rd. SRF will be calling to schedule a site visit soon. c. North Salem Rep – Hendricks County Area Plan Commission and Hendricks County Zoning Board. With Sonnie Johnston resigning Beth reached out to Brad Wilson and is waiting to hear from him as to whether he is interested in becoming our new Rep.

6. NEW ITEMS: a. Ordinance 2019-1 – Fair Housing Ordinance – this updated Ordinance is necessary for our OCRA grant and SRF loan applications. Jimmy made a motion to accept on first read as written; Becky seconded; motion passed unanimously. Beth will advertise one time in two papers. b. Resolution 2019-3 – PER Acceptance Resolution – Mike made a motion to accept as written; Jimmy seconded; motion passed unanimously and copies were given to Eric to take back to RQAW. c. Greg Guerrettaz – FSG Corp (financial advisor) – Becky turned the floor over to Greg. He explained that his company has been around for over 30 years helping small communities with financing and rate studies. After his presentation, he let Council know that he would send an email outlining his proposal. May 2, 2019 minutes – page 2

7. REPORTS: a. Mark – let Council know that Wabash Valley would begin paving soon. He also said that he and Kevin would be cleaning the filter again next week. b. NSPD – Marshal Berry’s report for April was presented for the record; John let Council know that the computer in the truck has been fixed but he is still working on getting the decals fixed. c. Council – None d. Harold Blake – None e. Clerk-Treasurer – Beth let Council know that Bill Compton could not attend the meeting tonight but the Revitalization Committee was still hoping to purchase an electronic sign for the Town and that a location still needed to be selected. They would know better about their finances after the Strawberry Festival in June. Beth also let Council know that she, Mark and Becky met with Dan Mitchell at the bank to see if we could possibly get a better interest rate and longer repayment period for the money needed for the new Filter plant project. Unfortunately, the bank could not beat the SRF loan program. She also let them know that the Hendricks County Parks and Recreation group printed the wrong day of our Farmers Market in the Explorer that went out to 24,000 people; the card is correct but the magazine is wrong. They were blasting their Facebook page with the correct information.

8. PUBLIC: Jay Thompson, Communications Advisor Board (County) was in attendance to keep Council abreast of the radio situation. Russell Muir (resident in town) asked the Council for permission to remove the tree stumps left by his house after the trees were removed. Mark told him as long as whoever he got to do it provided the Town Hall with the proper paperwork (liability insurance certificate).

9. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:44 pm. The next Council Meeting will be June 6th at 6:00 pm.

Attest:  Beth Russell Clerk-Treasurer

April 2019 Council Meeting Minutes


1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: The April 4, 2019, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:01 pm.


Becky Fancher, President – Present 

Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present 

Mike Russell, Member – Present 

3. PLEDGE/PRAYER: Council President Becky Fancher led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer.

4. MINUTES: Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the March 7, 2019 Minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written

5. OLD ITEMS: a. Title VI/ADA Compliance – Each Council Member was given a copy our Title VI/ADA Compliance Letter in response to our lack of a Self-Evaluation. We committed to addressing the deficiency and have the self-evaluation portion implemented by July 1, 2019. b. Income Survey Update – Each Council Member was given a copy of a letter from Bob Smiley, PhD, summarizing the results of the Income Survey. The low and moderate-income group in the study was greater than the 51% required to qualify for the grant. c. Filter Plant/Water Tower Update – Mark indicated that everything is on track for this project and things are moving along. Becky added that we will be required to have an archaeological study completed and the cost of that study will be $5,400.00. Mark added that since we are a couple of years away from completing this project that he needs to look into different media for water treatment in order to maintain acceptable levels for required testing. He will be speaking with Jason from Adedge Water regarding some possible options.

6. NEW ITEMS: a. North Salem Rep – Hendricks County Area Plan Commission and Hendricks County Zoning Board. With Sonnie Johnston resigning her positions on both of these Boards effective May 1, 2019, we reached out to Rod Lasley, since he was on the Board of Zoning Appeals with Sonnie to see if he had suggestions for possible replacements. Rod suggested Brad Wilson or Ron Kneeland, and Jimmy Roberts suggested Leroy Smith. Beth will be in touch with them to find out if they are interested. b. Heavy Trash Pickup – Tammy let the Council know that this has been scheduled for April 30th and notices were included in the water bills this in March. April 4, 2019 minutes – page 2

7. REPORTS: a. Mark – Handouts were provided for the Council and 3 bids were presented for the Community Crossings Grant paving project. Wabash Valley came in with the lowest bid at $95,992.65, so Mark proposed that we accept their bid. Mike Russell made a motion to accept Wabash Valley and Jimmy Roberts seconded. b. NSPD – Marshal Berry’s report for March was presented for the record; there was no additional report because Marshal Berry was out of town. c. Council – None d. Harold Blake – None e. Clerk-Treasurer – None.

8. PUBLIC: None

9. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:40 pm. The next Council Meeting will be May 2nd, at 6:00 pm. Attest:

Tammy Lasley Deputy Clerk-Treasurer

March 2019 Council Meeting Minutes


1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: The March 7, 2019, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:02 pm.


Becky Fancher, President – Present

Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present

Mike Russell, Member – Absent 

3. PLEDGE/PRAYER: Council President Becky Fancher led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer by Harold Blake.

4. MINUTES: Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the February 7, 2019 Minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written. Becky also asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the Special Meeting held February 19th; there being none, minutes were approved as written.


a. Title VI/ADA Compliance – Each Council Member was given a copy our Title VI/ADA Compliance packet to review. There being no changes, Resolution 2019-2 was presented adopting US DOT TITLE VI ASURANCES AS WELL AS TITLE VI IMPLEMENTATION PLAN. Jimmy made a motion to pass as written, Becky seconded. Beth will submit all and hopefully it will be sufficient for what the State needs.

b. Income Survey Update – No Update

c. Filter Plant/Water Tower Update – Mark did not have any further information however, we do have a project planning meeting Monday, March 11th with the people with the State Revolving Fund and Eric Wathen.

d. Bill Compton, NSRI – Bill was in attendance to discuss the electronic sign that the committee would like to purchase for the Town. Harold reviewed the information that Bill had received from the highway department as to what is allowed and stated that there really wasn’t enough information to form an opinion. He feels more research is needed. Becky also wants to research further regarding whether or not signs such as these can be put on historical buildings, etc. She also suggested that maybe an alternate location could be found. Harold suggested at the park entrance on 236 or maybe even utilizing the bank sign. Bill will do some more research and we will visit subject again in April.

e. Ordinance Review – Chickens within town limits – Harold did some research on Ordinances that other towns in Hendricks County have on their books. After much discussion, Jimmy suggested we table for now and discuss further at future meetings.

f. Old Fashion Days – donation request – Becky stated that she does not feel comfortable committing to a donation at this time. We do have a promotion fund however it does not have a great deal of money in it. After some discussion, it was decided to table the matter for now and revisit in future meetings. March 7, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes – page 2


a. North Salem Rep – Hendricks County Area Plan Commission and Hendricks County Zoning Board. Beth let the Council know that Sonnie Johnston is resigning her positions on both of these Boards effective May 1, 2019. Beth will contact the Planning Commission to ask what the requirements are for a new member as well as the procedure to replace Sonnie.

b. Heavy Trash Pickup – Beth let the Council know that this has been scheduled for April 30th and notice will be included in the water bills this month.


a. Mark – let the Council know that he and Kevin cleaned the filter again this week. Hopefully our samples will pass. Also, the white truck is needing new tires and he will be getting prices soon.

b. NSPD – Marshal Berry’s report for February was presented for the record; John also let the Council know that he is still working on getting the decal on the back of his truck fixed as well as the light strips; he also has a new charger ordered for the computer in the truck.

c. Council – None

d. Harold Blake – let the Council know that he will be having shoulder surgery in April and that he will most likely miss the April meeting.

e. Clerk-Treasurer – Beth let the Council know that she will also not be attending the April meeting but that Tammy will be able to attend as Deputy Clerk Treasurer. Beth also asked the Council permission to transfer $10,000 from the Trash Fund to the Wastewater Fund. Doug Clodfelter had to replace a pump at a cost of over $7,000.00. Becky made a motion to approve this transfer; Jimmy seconded.

8. PUBLIC: None

9. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm. The next Council Meeting will be April 4th, at 6:00 pm. Attest: ___________________________________ Beth Russell Clerk-Treasurer