Located about 25 miles West of Indianapolis in the northwest corner of Hendricks County at the intersection of State Roads 236 and 75, just 9 miles North West of Danville.

Founded December 10, 1835

Population (2010 Census): 518

Host of the “Old Fashion Days” Festival over Labor Day weekend for the last 36 years. We have the largest parade in Hendricks county. http://www.northsalemoldfashiondays.com

February 2019 Council Meeting Minutes


1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: The February 7, 2019, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.


Becky Fancher, President – Present

Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present

Mike Russell, Member – Present 

3. PLEDGE/PRAYER: Council President Becky Fancher led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer by Jimmy Roberts.

4. MINUTES: Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the January 3, 2019 Minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written.

5. OLD ITEMS: a. Title VI/ADA Compliance – Each Council Member was given a copy our Title VI/ADA Compliance packet to review and hopefully pass at the March meeting. b. Income Survey Update – Mike Kleinpeter has received 78 responses so far; a second mailing went out last week.

6. NEW ITEMS: a. Kristi Vaughn – North Salem Farmers Market – Kristi is in charge of the Farmers Market that was started up last year here in North Salem. She said they have the opportunity to advertise in the Explorer published by the Hendricks County Parks and Recreation. They would also be included in card stock flyers that are distributed to many cities and towns in Hendricks County. The cost is $100. Becky made the motion to sponsor this endeavor; Mike seconded; motion passed unanimously. Kristi will get the invoice and information to Beth for payment. b. Eric Wathen – RQAW Engineering – Eric was in attendance to discuss a new water filter plant and water tower. He spoke of OCRA grant money and State Revolving Fund low interest loans and the application process. After much discussion, it was decided that there would be a workshop held for further discussion on February 12th in the Town Hall at 6:00 pm and Eric would attend; it was also decided to hold a Special Meeting for the public to attend on February 19th at 6:00 pm in the Town Hall. Beth will advertise this Special Meeting. c. Ordinance 1-2008 – it was decided to table review of this ordinance until next month. February 7, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes – page 2

7. REPORTS: a. Mark – no report b. NSPD – Marshal Berry’s report for January was presented for the record; John also let the Council know that the decal on the back of his truck was coming off and needed to be fixed; also the lights on one side of his light bar strip needed repaired. He has also been having some issues with his computer charging in his truck. c. Council – Mike asked Mark about the water line issues on Kelly Lieske’s property. Mark stated that it will have to be moved probably sometime in the spring. d. Harold Blake – no report e. Clerk-Treasurer – Beth let the Council know that we received a request to donate to North Salem Old Fashion Days; Beth will see what we donated last year and report back in March. Also, Beth stated that the Hendricks County Building and Planning Commission needed official word from us that Sonnie Johnston and Rod Lasley were our Representatives for the Hendricks County Board of Zoning. Jimmy Roberts made the motion to appoint Sonnie and Rod; Becky seconded; motion passed unanimously. Beth will let the County know.

8. PUBLIC: Bill Compton was in attendance on behalf of the North Salem Revitalization Committee. He said that the Committee would like to purchase an electronic led sign to be mounted on the front of the Town Hall so that various announcements could be “scrolling” for informational purposes. After much discussion, it was decided that INDOT should be contacted to see what the regulations were regarding signs on state highways and close to intersections.

9. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm. The next Council Meeting will be March 7th, at 6:00 pm.

Attest: ___________________________________ Beth Russell Clerk-Treasurer

January 2019 Council Meeting Minutes


1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER: The January 3, 2019, Council Meeting was called to order by Council Vice President Mike Russell at 6:00 pm.


Mike Russell, Vice President – Present

Jimmy Roberts, Member – Present 

Becky Fancher, Member – Present 

3. PLEDGE/PRAYER: Council Vice President Mike Russell led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer by Harold Blake.

4. MINUTES: Mike asked if there were any additions or corrections to the BZA Minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written. Mike then asked if there were any additions or corrections to the December 6, 2018 Minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written.

5. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: After some discussion, Mike Russell made a motion to nominate Becky Fancher for President of the Town Council and Jimmy Roberts as Vice President; Jimmy Roberts seconded; motion passed unanimously.

6. OLD ITEMS: a. Title VI/ADA Compliance – Resolution 2019-1 was presented for discussion. This is a Resolution adopting the Notice of Provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act. Becky made a motion to accept as written; Mike seconded; motion passed unanimously. Harold stated that he will have additional information regarding Title VI/ADA at the February Board Meeting.

7. NEW ITEMS: No new items

8. REPORTS: a. Mark – Mark let the Council know that he has been meeting with Eric Wathen regarding a new water tower and filter plant. An income survey has been mailed to all residents within town limits; this is needed in order to apply for federal grants. The process should take approximately 16 weeks. Mark also let the Council know that he has been in contact with a company called AdEdge. He would like to do a pilot program with them using their media to see if it would work for us. They took samples and he is waiting to hear from them. Council Minutes – January 3, 2019 – Page 2 b. NSPD – For the record, Becky presented the NSPD report for the month of December. Marshal Berry also let the Council know that he is working on an air card issue as well as computer issues. c. Council – Mike would like to re-visit the Ordinance the town has on chickens within town limits at the Board meeting next month. d. Harold Blake – None e. Clerk-Treasurer – Beth had Council sign the annual nepotism forms.

9. PUBLIC: None

10. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:43 pm. The next Council Meeting will be February 7th, at 6:00 pm.

Attest: ___________________________________ Beth Russell Clerk-Treasurer

December 2018 Council Meeting Minutes







DECEMBER 6, 2018


  2. The December 6, 2018, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Rebecca Compton at 6:00 pm.
  4. Mike Russell, Vice President – Present      ______________________________________
  5. Jimmy Roberts, Member – Present           ______________________________________
  6. Rebecca Compton, President – Present     ______________________________________
  8. Council President Rebecca Compton led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer by Pastor Greg Way.
  10. Rebecca asked if there were any additions or corrections to the November minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written.
  11. OLD ITEMS:
  1. Ordinance 2018-4 – Increase in surcharges – Third and final read – Mike made a motion to pass as written; Jimmy seconded; motion passed unanimously. Beth will advertise. Rates will go into effect with the January 2019 bills.
  2. Title VI/ADA Compliance – Beth has prepared most of the requirements and has sent them to Harold for review. Harold is working on these and we will have more information in January.
  3. Water tower and treatment plant update – Mark and Beth met with Eric Wathen and Mike Kleinpeter with Kleinpeter Consulting. We will need to do an income survey in order to apply for grant money next year. The income survey will begin this month and will take approximately 16 weeks.


No new items


  1. Mark – Mark presented a list of trees that need to be removed or limbs cut. He will begin work on these trees this month. He also asked the Council if it would be okay to sell the salt spreader he has to an individual in Pittsboro. He never uses it because it jams all the time and it is easier for him to spread with a shovel. Council approved his request.
  2. NSPD – For the record, Rebecca presented the NSPD report for the month of November. Marshal Berry also let the Council know that there will be a retirement reception for Pat Baldwin, Hendricks County Prosecutor December 21st from 3-5 at the Courthouse.



December 6, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes – page 2



  1. Council – Rebecca asked if we could fly the Town Flag outside along with the American Flag. Mark said that we would have to put in another pole because the current pole isn’t tall enough for two flags. Kevin said that they have the same issue at the Fire Station. They will both look into this. Rebecca also asked if the Town would be interested in sponsoring a food pantry drive in June to benefit both food pantries here in town. We will send notices in the water bills and have non-perishable food items dropped off in the Town Hall during the months of June and July.
  2. Harold Blake – Harold will remain as our Town Attorney through 2019. He let the Council know that they could contact the Hendricks County Bar Association for potential candidates when the time comes (begin mid-year).
  3. Clerk-Treasurer – Beth presented the 2019 meeting dates and holidays to the Council. There being no objections, Beth will advertise this month.
  1. PUBLIC:
  2. On a final note, this being the last Board Meeting with Rebecca Compton as a member, Beth presented her with a certificate of appreciation for her eight years of service.
  3. Jay Thompson, Communications Advisory Board Rep. was in attendance to keep the Council up to date on issues with radios and the Operations Board.
  4. Matt and Ethan Bowman were in attendance to discuss a possible Park project for Ethan to develop and implement to become an Eagle Scout. More discussion to come in early 2019.
  6. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:33 pm. The next Council Meeting will be January 3rd, at 6:00 pm.





Beth Russell


November 2018 Council Meeting Minutes







NOVEMBER 1, 2018


  2. The November 1, 2018, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Rebecca Compton at 6:00 pm.
  4. Mike Russell, Vice President – Present       ______________________________________
  5. Jimmy Roberts, Member – Present            ______________________________________
  6. Rebecca Compton, President – Present      ______________________________________
  8. Council President Rebecca Compton led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer.
  10. Rebecca asked if there were any additions or corrections to the October minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written.
  11. OLD ITEMS:
  1. Employee in Responsible Charge (ERC) – Beth finished this course and is now certified for a year. Kevin Basham will also take the course.
  2. INDOT 2021 Road Paving Project – After much discussion, it was decided that we would not go forward with committing $25,000 for sidewalks and curbs because we need to focus money on a new water filter plant and water tower.
  3. Ordinance 2018-4 – Increase in surcharges – Second Read – Mike made a motion to pass as written; Jimmy seconded. Third and final read will be in December.
  4. Ham and Bean Supper – $939.00 was raised to be given to the Playground Equipment Fund. Attendance was down this year. Jimmy recommended that this event be moved to the spring because there is always so much going on this time of year.
  5. Halloween – Marshal Berry stated that everything went well.
  6. 2019 Community Crossings Grant – we have submitted our application; we should hear something after the first of the year.
  7. Title VI/ADA Compliance – there are several items that need to be completed to be in compliance with the state. We have asked for an extension of April 1st to get these items completed. After much discussion, it was decided to hold a workshop on November 15th and the third Thursday of each month until these items are completed and submitted.

November 1, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes – page 2


  • Jeff Smallwood, B&O Trail Representative was in attendance to give a presentation. They are looking for a representative from North Salem to serve on a task force on behalf of the B&O to apply for grant money to bring the trail to North Salem. It was announced that the Governor would be making $90 million dollars available for trails. After much discussion, Rebecca stated that she would like to represent North Salem on this task force.


  1. Mark – Mark let the Council know that he has been talking with Eric Wathen regarding a new filter plant and water tower. They are currently gathering information. Mark is having issues with the current media he is using and is working on solutions to get the iron levels down.
  2. NSPD – For the record, Rebecca presented the NSPD report for the month of October.
  3. Council – Jimmy asked Mark about the progress of the trees that need trimmed; Mark stated that he is still working on this. Rebecca stated that there are pieces of debris falling off of Tom Eggers’ building and asked Beth to contact the County. Rebecca also asked if we were going to have a Christmas party in December. Beth will contact the new owners of the Uptown Café (formally Liz’s) and see if this is an option.
  4. Harold Blake – Harold let the Council know that he could potentially retire as our Town Attorney at the end of this year. If he does not take a position that is currently available, he will retire at the end of 2019. He let the Council know that they could contact the Hendricks County Bar Association for potential candidates when the time comes.
  5. Clerk-Treasurer – None
  1. PUBLIC:
  2. Bill Compton presented a flyer for the Tree Decorating Contest to be held during the Old Fashion Christmas weekend in December. This flyer will be sent with the water bills along with an Old Fashion Christmas flyer.
  4. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:58 pm. The next Council Meeting will be December 6th at 6:00 pm.





Beth Russell


October 2018 Council Meeting Minutes







OCTOBER 4, 2018


    2. The October 4, 2018, Council Meeting was called to order by Council Vice President Mike Russell at 6:00 pm.
    3. ROLL CALL:
    4. Mike Russell, Vice President – Present _________________________________
    5. Jimmy Roberts, Member – Present      _________________________________
    6. Rebecca Compton, President – Absent _________________________________
    8. Council Vice President Mike Russell led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer by Jimmy Roberts.
    9. MINUTES:
    10. Mike asked if there were any additions or corrections to the September minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written.


  1. The 2019 budget was presented for adoption. No comments were made. Jimmy made a motion to adopt; Mike seconded.
  1. Ham and Bean Supper – October 27th – Beth and Rebecca met last month to go over plans and finalize a few things. Mark is having signs made to put out the week of event. These will be ones that do not have a date so we can use them each year.
  • Steven Walls, INDOT – Mr. Walls was in attendance to discuss the 2021 paving project that will be coming through town on 236.   There was discussion of the possibility of having sidewalk and curb work done at the same time. Mr. Walls stated that they would need a commitment from us for maybe $20,000-$25,000 to put towards this work. There is also the possibility of having to move a sidewalk, etc. After much discussion, it was decided that the Council will discuss further with Mark and Beth before a decision is made. Mr. Walls stated that they would need to know our plans by the first of the year.
  • Ordinance 2018-4. Beth explained this Ordinance which increases the meter surcharges a total of $4.50 each month to be put into effect January, 2019. Jimmy made a motion to approve; Mike seconded. Second reading will be in November.
  • Halloween- Trick or Treating will be October 31st from 6-8 pm.


October 4, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes – page 2


  2. Mark – Mark let the Council know that he had some trees trimmed on Ladoga Avenue as well as at the Park. We have several trees in town that need work, but a limited budget. He will pick the worst ones to take care of in this budget year.
  3. NSPD – For the record, Mike presented the NSPD report for the month of September.
  4. Council – None
  5. Harold Blake – None
  6. Clerk-Treasurer – None
  1. PUBLIC:
  2. Bill Compton wanted to remind and invite everyone to the North Salem Revitalization Committee’s Fall Festival this coming weekend.
  3. Jay Thompson was in attendance as a small town representative with the Hendricks County Communications Center. He is trying to establish a County wide bond to help purchase radios for the fire departments and police departments.
  4. Victoria Goodspeed was in attendance to discuss a side walk problem they are having around their kids bus stop. The kids are standing in water and mud after it rains. Mark will look at the area and possibility of adding some stone.
  5. Amanda Traut and Doug Frazier were in attendance to discuss the fund they have set up at the bank for donations for the North Salem Town Park playground equipment. They are very close to reaching their initial goal. The Council let them know that all proceeds from the Ham and Bean Supper would be donated to their fund.
  7. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:48 pm. The next Council Meeting will be November 1st at 6:00 pm.





Beth Russell


September 2018 Council Meeting Minutes









    2. The September 6, 2018, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Rebecca Compton at 6:00 pm.
    3. ROLL CALL:
    4. Mike Russell, Vice President – Absent   ______________________________________
    5. Jimmy Roberts, Member – Present        ______________________________________
    6. Rebecca Compton, President – Present   ______________________________________
    8. Council President Rebecca Compton led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer.
    9. MINUTES:
    10. Rebecca asked if there were any additions or corrections to the August minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written.


  1. The 2019 budget was presented for public discussion. No comments were made. Jimmy made a motion to approve; Rebecca seconded. It will be adopted in October.
  • Spotlight of Town Ordinances – It was decided to include the Leaf Burning Ordinance in the September water bills. We will also include a blurb on the NSRI cook book with pricing and where they are available.


  1. Water tower and Filter Plant – Mark said that Eric was still working on putting pricing together and figuring out our best options.
  2. 2019 Community Crossings Grant – Eric is close to getting application done. We will be hopefully paving McKinley Street and part of Vine Street.
  3. 2019 Bridge Replacement Update – Rebecca said that the work on taking out the bridge just past the cemetery is set to begin in the spring of next year and is supposed to be done before Old Fashion Days.
  4. Update on 2021 INDOT Road Paving Project – Rebecca and Mark met with INDOT reps a couple of weeks ago to discuss the 2021 paving project. There are a couple of options we can choose from as far as sidewalk replacement from McKinley Street all the way to the Fire Station. We do have a couple of drains we will be responsible for replacing prior to the start of this paving project. After much discussion, Jimmy stated that we should sit down with reps with INDOT and discuss further.
  5. Sidewalk Replacement – Mark has replaced some of the bricks on the sidewalk on Broadway Street. It was decided to wait until spring to remove and replace with concrete.


September 6, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes – page 2


  1. Ham and Bean Supper – October 27th – Mark suggested that the proceeds we bring in be donated to the playground equipment fund. Jimmy made a motion to approve; Rebecca seconded. It was decided to hold a workshop on September 18th to discuss needs and finalize plans.
  • Heavy trash pick-up will be scheduled for the spring.
  • Employee in Responsible Charge (ERC) – Beth let the Council know that both she and Kevin Basham were enrolled to take this course.


  1. Mark – Mark let the Council know that he was collecting bids for some of the trees we have in town that need trimmed or removed.
  2. NSPD – For the record, Rebecca presented the NSPD report for the month of August; John let Council know that Old Fashion Days was relatively quiet this year and there were no major issues.
  3. Council – Jimmy stated that he contacted the County regarding the tree issues on Ladoga Avenue. After much discussion it was decided that Mark would approach the property owners regarding their responsibilities in maintaining these trees and getting them out of the roadway. Rebecca also let the Council know that both she and Harold would be out of town in October and would not be attending the Council meeting. She also read a letter from the Young Marines asking us to issue a proclamation promoting Red Ribbon Week in October. We will do this and put on our Facebook page, Website and also post in the Town Hall.
  4. Harold Blake – None
  5. Clerk-Treasurer – Beth let the Council know that it was time to review the surcharges that were put into place in 2016. After much discussion, it was decided to increase both the Water Meter Surcharge and the Waste Water Meter Surcharge to $5.00 each (a total of $5.00 increase per customer). Harold will have an ordinance for the October meeting.
  1. PUBLIC:
  2. Jay Thompson was in attendance as a small town representative with the Hendricks County Communications Center.
  4. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm. The next Council Meeting will be October 4th at 6:00 pm.





Beth Russell


August 2018 Council Meeting Minutes




AUGUST 2, 2018


  2. The August 2, 2018, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Rebecca Compton at 6:00 pm.
  4. Mike Russell, Vice President – Absent       ______________________________________
  5. Jimmy Roberts, Member – Present            ______________________________________
  6. Rebecca Compton, President – Present      ______________________________________
  8. Council President Rebecca Compton led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer.
  10. Rebecca gave Linda Miller, Old Fashion Days Rep., the floor. Linda wanted to give us a quick update on the festival. She also mentioned that she will be getting us a Certificate of Insurance soon. Everything is set and ready to go; Linda will drop off the schedule of events next week.
  11. Rebecca asked if there were any additions or corrections to the July minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written.
  12. OLD ITEMS:
  • Spotlight of Town Ordinances – In the coming months we will spotlight ordinances on leaf burning and dog defecation. August water bills will contain the Old Fashion Days schedule of events.


  1. Water tower and Filter Plant – Mark met with Eric Wathen to discuss his ideas. Eric will get some cost estimates so we have a better understanding about what kind of financing we will need. Media is the actual issue so that’s what he is concentrating on.
  2. Sidewalk Replacement – There is one section of sidewalk remaining on the north side of Pearl Street. Work has been ongoing at this site and should be done soon. Mark gave the board the estimate on replacing the brick on Broadway by Perillo’s and the Post Office. Jimmy made a motion to accept the bid; Rebecca seconded. Mark will proceed with this project soon.
  3. 2019 Community Crossing Grant – The next round will open up August 6th. We will be submitting our application soon.
  4. Mowing – The property on West Pearl Street is now being mowed by the homeowner.
  5. EMT\Firefighter Reception – Rebecca reported that this will take place sometime in the Spring – possibly April
  6. INDOT – Rebecca attended a meeting a couple weeks ago regarding updates on the Community Crossings Grant. She also stated that they would like to meet with us again regarding the 2021 paving project and the bridge replacement.
  7. DNR – Rebecca is planning to attend this meeting on August 7th in the Government Center.
  8. See Item C
  9. Street Closing – Mark will put up signs and barricades for the ice cream social on August 12th.


August 2, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes – page 2


  • Ham and Bean Supper – Set for October 27th. A workshop will be set for one evening this month to discuss needs.


  1. Mark – None
  2. NSPD – For the record, Rebecca presented the NSPD report for the month of July; John mentioned that Papa Johns has been scheduled again for August 14th from 4-8 in the bank parking lot. Rebecca mentioned letting the Republican know.
  3. Council – Jimmy had some questions regarding a few trees in town; Rebecca asked Mark if he planned to put mums in the flower pots and Mark said yes he usually does a couple weeks prior to Old Fashion Days.
  4. Harold Blake – None
  5. Clerk-Treasurer – Beth presented the Council with correspondence regarding Newspapers for Education program. Beth will do further research to see if any of our schools are enrolled in this program.
  1. PUBLIC:
  2. None
  4. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm. The next Council Meeting will be September 6th at 6:00 pm.





Beth Russell


July 2018 Council Meeting Minutes




JULY 5, 2018


  2. The July 5, 2018, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Rebecca Compton at 6:00 pm.
  4. Mike Russell, Vice President – Present       ______________________________________
  5. Jimmy Roberts, Member – Present            ______________________________________
  6. Rebecca Compton, President – Present      ______________________________________
  8. Council President Rebecca Compton led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer.
  10. Rebecca asked if there were any additions or corrections to the June minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written.
  11. OLD ITEMS:
  • Spotlight of Town Ordinances – We will spotlight the golf cart ordinance in this month’s water bills.


  1. Water tower and Filter Plant – Mark visited two different plants this week – a gravity filter plant and a pressure filter plant. He will visit another plant sometime this month; still has a great deal of research he wants to do. He also mentioned that next year would be time to clean and repaint the water tower which will cost around $25,000.00. So that is an expense to think about as well.
  2. Sidewalk Replacement – There is one section of sidewalk remaining on the north side of Pearl Street. This will be done sometime this year.
  3. Park Ordinance 2018-3 – Jimmy made a motion to approve as written; Mike seconded; motion passed unanimously. Beth will advertise once in the Republican and the Flyer next week.
  4. 2019 Community Crossing Grant – The next round will open up in August and we will be applying again. There will be an informational meeting with INDOT on July 17th; Rebecca will attend and possibly Beth as well.
  5. Mowing – Mark is still mowing at the house on West Pearl Street; a lien has been placed on the property
  6. EMT\Firefighter Reception – it was decided that Rebecca and Beth would work on putting something together on this.




  1. INDOT Open House – Rebecca let Council know that she attended a meeting last month with INDOT in Crawfordsville and learned that INDOT has a paving project for State Road 236 scheduled for 2021.   She also stated that they informed her that there may be federal funds available to possibly complete a sidewalk project at the same time which led to her scheduling a meeting with Project Manager Steven Walls (item c below).
  2. Meeting with Steven Walls, Project Manager with INDOT – Rebecca, Mark, and Beth met with Steven Walls on Tuesday, July 3rd in the Town Hall to discuss the 2021 project. They are planning to put in ADA ramps with this paving projects as well as they will go 6 feet in on the side roads so we

July 5, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes – page 2


will want to keep this in mind for our future paving projects (to save some asphalt).   We also discussed the storm drains along State Road 236 and the fact that what is underneath the road is our responsibility. It was also stated that the cost of the state doing the sidewalks could be way more than the cost of us doing the project ourselves. In addition, the project manager for the bridge by the cemetery was in attendance and stated that his project of lowering the bridge will begin in 2019.

  1. DNR – Rebecca received an email from the DNR regarding the towns participation in the National Flood Insurance Program. There is a meeting scheduled for August 7th in the Hendricks County Government Center. Beth let everyone know that she has left a message with DNR to find out some additional information.
  1. Mark – None; Rebecca asked if he could look into replacing the bricks with concrete soon by the Post Office and by Perillo’s. She also asked him about the overgrown trees in the alley by her house and if he should trim them or the home owner should trim them. Mark said he would take care of trimming them. Also, there was discussion regarding the overhanging branches along Ladoga Road heading out of town as well as a few trees that need trimmed on North California Street by the Christian Church.
  2. NSPD – For the record, Rebecca presented the NSPD report for the month of June; John also let Council know that he has scheduled another Papa John’s Pizza day for July 17th from 4-8 pm in the Bank lot again.
  3. Council – Rebecca let all know that the Revitalization Committee will be holding another Ice Cream Social on August 12th from 1-4; flyers will go out in this month’s water bills.
  4. Harold Blake – Harold wanted us all to be aware of a new state statute regarding the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission with regards to new water or waste water utilities and the state’s waste water and drinking water revolving loan programs. This new statue went into effect July 1st.
  5. Clerk-Treasurer – Beth presented the Council with the 2019 Salary Ordinance. Nothing changed; Jimmy made a motion to approve as written; Mike seconded; motion passed unanimously.
  1. PUBLIC:
  2. Cody Cosby was in attendance to discuss his you tube channel and asked permission to film some short films in and around town. Rebecca let him know that as long as it was in good taste and that Marshal Berry and the Town Hall were aware of what and when he was filming. Bill Compton also thanked the town for the help with the very successful Strawberry Festival. Steve Clark was in attendance to ask the Council’s approval for blocking off South Nebraska Street for the Car Show during Old Fashion Days this year. It was suggested that Steve contact the individual home owners involved to let them know what is going on.
  4. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm. The next Council Meeting will be August 2nd at 6:00 pm.



Beth Russell


June 2018 Council Meeting Minutes







JUNE 7, 2018


  2. The June 7, 2018, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Rebecca Compton at 6:00 pm.
  4. Mike Russell, Vice President – Present      ______________________________________
  5. Jimmy Roberts, Member – Absent            ______________________________________
  6. Rebecca Compton, President – Present     ______________________________________
  8. Council President Rebecca Compton led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer.
  10. Rebecca asked if there were any additions or corrections to the May minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written.
  11. OLD ITEMS:
  • Spotlight of Town Ordinances – There will not be a spotlight this month because we will be mailing the Consumer Confidence Report.


  1. Water tower and Filter Plant – Mark’s time has been spent with the panel at the water tower which is bad and he is having to operate manually until the part arrives.
  2. Sidewalk Replacement – the sidewalk on the south side of Pearl Street has been done; now waiting on the concrete to finish the other side by Nebraska Street. Rebecca also asked about the ADA ramps; Mark will call INDOT to see if we do indeed have to put them in at this time.
  3. 2019 Community Crossing Grant – The next round will open up in August; Eric Wathen is updating our Asset Management Plan.
  4. Mowing – Rebecca asked if Mark has had to take care of mowing any other properties in town. There is a house on Ladoga Road where the grass is pretty high. Beth will prepare a notice for John to deliver.




  1. Meeting with Eric Wathen – Mark will visit plant at Western Boone and Bainbridge with Eric sometime this month.
  2. INDOT Open Houses – Rebecca will attend a “transportation talks” meeting in Crawfordsville on June 13th from 5-7 pm.
  3. Reception – Rebecca thought it would be nice to hold a reception for the fire fighters and emts just so the community could meet them; they could possibly use this opportunity to recruit new members. After much discussion the matter was tabled until next month.


June 7, 2018 Meeting Minutes – page 2


  2. Mark – None
  3. NSPD – For the record, Rebecca presented the NSPD report for the month of May; Ron Kneeland was out patrolling this evening.
  4. Council – None
  5. Harold Blake – Harold said that he noticed a speed limit sign on a County Road; it was very small and mounted on a pole so it must have been a solar one; Rebecca will inquire about these when she attends the INDOT meeting next week.
  6. Clerk-Treasurer – stated that she and Tammy would be in South Bend for the ILMCT from Monday to Thursday. Beth also let them know that she sent the final close out documents for the paving grant.
  1. PUBLIC:
  2. None
  4. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:37 pm. The next Council Meeting will be July 5th at 6:00 pm.





Beth Russell


May 2018 Council Meeting Minutes







MAY 3, 2018


  2. The May 3, 2018, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Rebecca Compton at 6:00 pm.
  4. Mike Russell, Vice President   Present        ______________________________________
  5. Jimmy Roberts, Member – Absent             ______________________________________
  6. Rebecca Compton, President – Present      ______________________________________
  8. Council President Rebecca Compton led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer.
  10. Rebecca asked if there were any additions or corrections to the April minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written.
  11. OLD ITEMS:
  • Spotlight of Town Ordinances – After some discussion, it was decided to spotlight the tall grass ordinance in the May water bills.


  1. Town Hall Security – The camera system has been installed and is up and running.
  2. Paving Project – The paving project has been completed.
  3. Town Hall Roof – The roof project is complete.
  4. Water Tower and Filter Plant – Mark is still researching; will visit plant at Western Boone sometime this month.
  5. Sidewalk Replacement – Mark has met with Ralph and work will begin this month. He will also be adding ADA ramps at the corner of North California and North Nebraska Streets.
  6. Ordinance 2018-3 regarding the town park was presented. Mike Russell made a motion to pass as written; Rebecca 2nd; second read will be next month.
  7. AIM Roundtable – Rebecca spoke briefly regarding the Roundtable we attended in Thorntown in April.
  8. Sidewalk Grant Applications – no applications have been received; it was decided to extend the deadline to June 15th.   Reminders will go in May water bills.




  1. 2019 Paving – Rebecca noted that she and Mark spoke about possibly Vine Street from McKinley Street to State Road 75; all of McKinley Street; and Wabashaw Street from McKinley Street to South California Street.
  2. Meeting Rescheduling – There was brief discussion regarding meeting dates in July and October because at least one Council Member will not be present. It was decided to leave as advertised.

May 4, 2018 Meeting Minutes – page 2


  2. Mark – None
  3. NSPD – For the record, Rebecca presented the NSPD report for the month of April. Marshal Berry was not in attendance due to the passing of his mother. Beth will order flowers for her service on behalf of the town.
  4. Council – Mike Russell stated that the paving that was done looked great. Rebecca stated that due to Marshal Berry’s mom passing away, his evaluation would be done at a later date.
  5. Harold Blake – None
  6. Clerk-Treasurer – None
  1. PUBLIC:
  2. Daniel Gilmore asked if there were any plans to pave 75; Rebecca stated that this is a State Road and not our responsibility. Bob Goldsmith and Debi Moreland were in attendance to discuss the barrel train and Old Fashion Days. Bob also mentioned that scrap was up and if we wanted him to take the town scrap he could.
  4. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:21 pm. The next Council Meeting will be June 7th at 6:00 pm.





Beth Russell
