DECEMBER 6, 2018


  2. The December 6, 2018, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Rebecca Compton at 6:00 pm.
  4. Mike Russell, Vice President – Present      ______________________________________
  5. Jimmy Roberts, Member – Present           ______________________________________
  6. Rebecca Compton, President – Present     ______________________________________
  8. Council President Rebecca Compton led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer by Pastor Greg Way.
  10. Rebecca asked if there were any additions or corrections to the November minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written.
  11. OLD ITEMS:
  1. Ordinance 2018-4 – Increase in surcharges – Third and final read – Mike made a motion to pass as written; Jimmy seconded; motion passed unanimously. Beth will advertise. Rates will go into effect with the January 2019 bills.
  2. Title VI/ADA Compliance – Beth has prepared most of the requirements and has sent them to Harold for review. Harold is working on these and we will have more information in January.
  3. Water tower and treatment plant update – Mark and Beth met with Eric Wathen and Mike Kleinpeter with Kleinpeter Consulting. We will need to do an income survey in order to apply for grant money next year. The income survey will begin this month and will take approximately 16 weeks.


No new items


  1. Mark – Mark presented a list of trees that need to be removed or limbs cut. He will begin work on these trees this month. He also asked the Council if it would be okay to sell the salt spreader he has to an individual in Pittsboro. He never uses it because it jams all the time and it is easier for him to spread with a shovel. Council approved his request.
  2. NSPD – For the record, Rebecca presented the NSPD report for the month of November. Marshal Berry also let the Council know that there will be a retirement reception for Pat Baldwin, Hendricks County Prosecutor December 21st from 3-5 at the Courthouse.



December 6, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes – page 2



  1. Council – Rebecca asked if we could fly the Town Flag outside along with the American Flag. Mark said that we would have to put in another pole because the current pole isn’t tall enough for two flags. Kevin said that they have the same issue at the Fire Station. They will both look into this. Rebecca also asked if the Town would be interested in sponsoring a food pantry drive in June to benefit both food pantries here in town. We will send notices in the water bills and have non-perishable food items dropped off in the Town Hall during the months of June and July.
  2. Harold Blake – Harold will remain as our Town Attorney through 2019. He let the Council know that they could contact the Hendricks County Bar Association for potential candidates when the time comes (begin mid-year).
  3. Clerk-Treasurer – Beth presented the 2019 meeting dates and holidays to the Council. There being no objections, Beth will advertise this month.
  1. PUBLIC:
  2. On a final note, this being the last Board Meeting with Rebecca Compton as a member, Beth presented her with a certificate of appreciation for her eight years of service.
  3. Jay Thompson, Communications Advisory Board Rep. was in attendance to keep the Council up to date on issues with radios and the Operations Board.
  4. Matt and Ethan Bowman were in attendance to discuss a possible Park project for Ethan to develop and implement to become an Eagle Scout. More discussion to come in early 2019.
  6. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:33 pm. The next Council Meeting will be January 3rd, at 6:00 pm.





Beth Russell
