FEBRUARY 1, 2018


  2. The February 1, 2018, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Rebecca Compton at 6:00 pm.
  4. Mike Russell, Vice President – Present       ______________________________________
  5. Jimmy Roberts, Member – Present            ______________________________________
  6. Rebecca Compton, President – Present      ______________________________________
  8. Council President Rebecca Compton led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer from Pastor Greg Way.
  10. Rebecca asked if there were any additions or corrections to the January minutes; there being none, minutes were approved as written.
  11. OLD ITEMS:
  • Spotlight of Town Ordinances – Rebecca asked if anyone had reviewed the Ordinances and if there was a particular Ordinance that needed spotlighting. It was decided that we will spotlight the golf cart ordinance in April. For February’s billing, we will include a survey regarding CenturyLink, the internet service provider here in town. We have had several complaints about the service coming in and out. We have been told that the lines in town are “exhausted” and thus the service is not very reliable.
  • Meeting Date for Workshop to discuss future of Ham and Bean Supper – It was decided to hold a workshop to discuss dates for the next fundraiser for the North Salem Fund. It will be February 12th at 5:30 pm.


  1. Town Hall Security – Mark had pricing for a security system but it did not include audio. After some discussion, it was decided to further investigate a system that does include audio.
  2. ITAP Meeting – Rebecca and Beth met with Susie Kemp, of INDOT, on January 11th in Crawfordsville. This meeting was to review our application for the side walk project in 2022. After much discussion regarding right-of-ways, etc., it was decided that we would withdraw our application. We will research and hopefully apply again next year.
  3. Ordinance 2018-1 was presented regarding the liability of water customers to maintain their private portion of the water supply system. Mike R. made a motion to pass as written; Jimmy R. seconded. There will be a second reading next month.
  4. AIM Legislative Dinner – Rebecca let the Council know that she would be attending this event on February 26th downtown; Beth may attend as well.   This is free to members of AIM.
  • Town Hall Roof – the was some wind damage to the roof of the Town Hall last week; temporary repairs have been made and the insurance adjuster has been out to look at it. He told Mark that he only needed one quote. He will hopefully have an estimate in the next couple of weeks.
  • Water – Mark has been having an issue with the iron in the water; we also had a couple of big leaks last month. Beth let the Council know that it was time to begin the process of a planning grant to look into a new filter system and water tower.


  1. Mark – Mark let the Council know that he has contacted three paving companies for our project this spring. He hopes to have quotes in the next couple of weeks.
  2. NSPD – For the record, Rebecca presented the NSPD report for the month of January. Marshal Berry was at a training seminar and not in attendance.
  3. Council – None.
  4. Harold Blake – Harold has been our Town Attorney for 30 years this month!!! We will have a celebration at next month’s meeting.
  5. Clerk-Treasurer – Beth showed the Council and those in attendance the new town flag.
  1. PUBLIC:
  2. None
  4. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:45 pm. The next Council Meeting will be March 1st at 6:00 pm.





Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer