CALL MEETING TO ORDER: The January 2, 2020, Council Meeting was called to order by Council Vice President Jimmy Roberts at 6:00 pm.  Jimmy led the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer from Harold.

ROLL CALL: Becky Fancher, President – Absent, Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present, Mike Russell, Member – Present                       

MINUTES: Jimmy asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the December, 2019 Board meeting.  There being none, the minutes were approved as written.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS: With Becky being absent, elections were tabled until February.

OLD ITEMS: Salary Ordinance Amendments – Beth presented Council with an Addendum to the 2019 Salary Ordinance stating that upon the hire of Ron Kneeland as Town Marshal that the Town would contribute 6.5% of his salary to a retirement fund.  Jimmy made a motion to accept; Mike seconded.  Beth then presented an Amended 2020 Salary Ordinance stating the same for Marshal Kneeland.  Jimmy made a motion to approve; Mike seconded. 


REPORTS:  Mark –  Mark reported that he did not pass the arsenic testing last quarter; also that he and Kevin removed all the Christmas decorations.  He also stated that we should send a thank you letter to the Town of Danville for the decorations they gave us; Jimmy said we should also send a thank you letter to the ladies at the Garden Gate for decorating the flower pots.

NSPD – Ron reported that all was quiet over the holidays.

Council Members – None

Harold Blake – reported that he and Beth and Becky will be meeting with a developer on Thursday, January 9th about a possible Dollar General Store coming to North Salem.

Beth – presented Council with annual nepotism forms to be completed and signed; Harold also mentioned that there is another conflict of interest form that needs to be completed.  Beth will have for February meeting.  Beth also asked Council if she could lease a postage machine.  Mike made a motion to approve; Jimmy seconded.

PUBLIC:Bill Compton was in attendance but said his question was already addressed regarding a possible Dollar General.

 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:27 pm.  The next Council Meeting will be February 6th at 6:00 pm.

Attest: Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer