CALL MEETING TO ORDER: The March 5, 2020, Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.  Becky led the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer from Jimmy Roberts.

ROLL CALL: Becky Fancher, President – Present, Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present, Mike Russell, Member – Present                       

MINUTES: Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the February, 2020 Board meeting.  There being none, the minutes were approved as written.

OLD ITEMS: Filter Plant/Water Tower Projects Bids – Becky made the motion to reject the two bids received last month for this project and have the project re-bid; Jimmy seconded; motion passed unanimously.  RQAW will advertise the project for bids; pre-bid meeting is March 19th in the Town Hall at 10:00 am; bids will be accepted until 4:00 pm on April 1st; bids will be opened at 10:00 am on April 2nd and discussed at the Town Board Meeting at 6:00 pm April 2nd.

NEW ITEMS:  Heavy Trash Pickup – We have tentatively scheduled curbside heavy trash pickup for April 28th

Property Clean Up Discussion – Marshal Kneeland submitted a list of properties in town that are in violation of certain ordinances.  Since we will have heavy trash pickup the end of April, we will send each home owner/renter a Notice to Abate and encouraging them to utilize heavy trash pickup in April.

REPORTS:  Mark –  has ongoing discussions with RQAW and the filter plant/tower project.  We definitely need MORE bids!!

NSPD – Marshal Kneeland reports that it’s been fairly quiet for the most part.  Jimmy asked him how we would go about lowering the speed limit through town.  Marshal Kneeland said we would have to go through the State since it’s a State Road.

Council Members – Jimmy asked about the progress of the possible Dollar General here in town at the old greenhouse property on Main Street.  Beth reported that she has sent them all the information on who they need to contact as far as notifying property owners about their plans; we could possibly have a BZA meeting April 2nd before the regular Board Meeting.  Notices will go out in March water bills.

Harold Blake – None

Beth – None

PUBLIC:Bill Compton was in attendance and asked if the Revitalization Committee could put an insert in the March water bills.  Courtney Cole with Hamilton Center Inc. was in attendance to let Council know about a new opioid treatment center in Plainfield; she left a few handouts regarding their services.  Gary Harris was also in attendance to discuss issues with his neighbors and his dogs.  After much discussion, he was reminded again that this is a civil issue.

ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6::34 pm.  The next Council Meeting will be April 2nd at 6:00 pm.

Attest: Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer