“A virtual special meeting for the North Salem Town Council will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, April 16th. The meeting agenda is to 1) open and read aloud submitted bids and 2) present the bond ordinance for vote and adoption for the North Salem Drinking Water System Improvements project. All citizens who are interested may participate in the following ways:
Video and Audio: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting. A window will pop up in your internet browser prompting you to either “Download the Windows app” or “Join on the web instead.” Please click “Join on the web instead.” Supported browsers are: Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge, the latest version of Chrome, or the latest version of Firefox; OR YOU MAY JOIN BY PHONE:
Phone: Call 1-317-643-7993. When prompted, dial the conference ID: 649 625 608#.”
Please feel free to contact the Town Hall at 765-676-6210 with any questions. Thank you!