CALL MEETING TO ORDER:  The November 5, 2020 Council Meeting was called to order by Council President Becky Fancher at 6:00 pm.   Becky led with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a prayer from Jimmy Roberts.

ROLL CALL:  Becky Fancher, President – Present, Jimmy Roberts, Vice President – Present, Mike Russell, Member – Present

MINUTES:  Becky asked if there were any additions or corrections to the October minutes.  There being none, the minutes were approved as written.

PUBLIC HEARING – BZA MEETING – DOLLAR GENERAL SIGN VARIANCE:  William Baumgardner with Hutchison Signs was in attendance requesting a variance to install a pole sign for the Dollar General.  The sign will be a standard Dollar General signs as in all of their locations, however, this special variance is requested because Hendricks County does not issue permits for pole signs.  After much discussion, Mike Russell made a motion to grant the variance; Jimmy Roberts seconded.  Beth will send notification to Hendricks County Planning and Building.

OLD ITEMS:  Bond Closing – Beth let the Council know that we have officially closed our loan with the State Revolving Fund and the Bond Anticipation Note with North Salem State Bank has been paid in full. Beth also let Council know that the first loan payment to SRF was wired for the October payment and a check was mailed Wednesday for the November payment.

NEW ITEMS:  1)Rhonda Beck – Daughters of the American Revolution was in attendance to propose a project for veterans which entails putting photos of veterans on banners and hanging them throughout the town.  This project has been very successful in Danville, Plainfield and Avon.  The only expense to the town would be the brackets to hold the banners on the poles and of course Mark and Kevin putting them up and taking them down.  They would like to see the banners hanging from Memorial Day to Memorial Day.  Rhonda mentioned that she already has four families in North Salem who would like to purchase banners for their veteran family members.  After much discussion, Becky made a motion to approve; Mike seconded; motion passed unanimously.  Rhonda will be in touch with us soon to begin this project. 2)Town Christmas Party – Tammy has volunteered to hold the pitch in for Christmas at her house again this year. It will be immediately following the December meeting.

REPORTS: 1) Mark – let Council know that the water project is moving along nicely.   Also let Council know that a couple of street lights have been repaired.  Chuck Bucy let Mark know that there was a street light out on California Street as well.  2) NSPD – let Council know that he will be out next Wednesday after morning school duty because his sister is having a procedure done at IU hospital downtown.  3) Council Members – None.  4) Harold Blake – Thanked Mark for the tour of the new filter plant site; encouraged Board members to visit site often and track the progress.  5) Beth –None


ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.  The next Council Meeting will be December 3rd at 6:00 pm.

Attest:  Beth Russell, Clerk-Treasurer